Monday, May 28, 2012

AIESEC in Bahrain launches the YouLead Series

AIESEC is turning its commitment to the youth into action. It is organizing a unique leadership program that aims at helping students to increase self awareness, create opportunities in the market after graduation and discover potential leadership attitudes. It also targets planting the idea of entrepreneurship and provide an international perspective.

A launch event was organized for the YouLead Workshop Series, brought by AIESEC in Bahrain on the 4th of May at the CSR Society, where representatives of Bahrain Development Bank (BDB), Aramex and Tamkeen and members of the press were present. This event was an introduction for the international facilitators to explain the projects agenda as well as a bit about their backgrounds.

The YouLead sessions will be delivered to students by two international experts who are Sara from Slovenia and Daya from Canada. These two bring together an interesting perspective through their past experiences. The sessions are designed to cater to the different areas of student leadership development. The passionate facilitators look forward to engaging with the youth of Bahrain through this project.

For more information on how to get involved with YouLead, email AIESEC at

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sakana Signs Partnership with AIESEC in Bahrain

Bahrain-based Sakana Holistic Housing Solutions and AIESEC in Bahrain signed a Memorandum of Understanding today by which the company participates in promoting leadership skills as a silver partner to the AIESEC YouLead Workshop series. 

The agreement was signed by Mr. R Lakshmanan, Chief Executive Officer of Sakana and Sabeeka Al Shamlan, Director of Business Development on behalf of AIESEC in Bahrain.
The AIESEC YouLead workshop series offers university students a chance to take part in week-long workshops to develop their entrepreneurial leadership skills and self-awareness.

The sessions are conducted by two international facilitators who have training skills with a background of project management through their global internship programme.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Aramex Backs Leadership Program

Aramex establishes areas of cooperation with AIESEC in Bahrain to promote and activate leadership in Bahraini students through becoming a silver partner for the YouLead Workshop Series dedicated for university students. The MoU was signed by Luai Al Agha, Country Manager at Aramex Bahrain and Sabeeka Al Shamlan, Business Development Director of AIESEC in Bahrain on May 2nd, 2012.

The YouLead program offers university students to participate in week long workshops developed by AIESEC in Bahrain to develop their entrepreneurial leadership skills and increase their self awareness. This project includes sessions on understanding oneself, understanding others, learning about the success stories of others, and planning out their own path for success. 

The sessions are conducted by international facilitators who have training skills with a background of project management through their global internship program to facilitate the program for the students.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

مؤتمر التطوير الوظيفي

 نظمت آيزك البحرين مؤتمر التطوير الوظيفي الأول في جامعة بولتكنك يومي الخميس و الجمعة الماضيين لمجموعة من الطلبة و الخريجين المشاركين في برنامج ليب. و يهدف المؤتمر الى صقل المواهب و القدرات لدى المشاركين و تهيئتهم للحياة بعد المرحلة الجامعية.
شارك في إعداد ورشات العمل مجموعة من المحاضرين و المحاضرات. إبتدأت بالأستاذ عبدالرضا و الأستاذة يسرا من مكتب الإرشاد المهني في جامعة بوليتكنك حيث كانت ورشة العمل التي أعدوها ترتكز على تعريف المشاركين بمهاراتهم الداخلية و كيفية إستخدامها .كذلك قدم محمد عيسى المدير المالي لشركة انفست البحرين ورشة عمل ترتكز على اهمية الخطابة و كيفية صقل هذه المهاراة.
و في اليوم الثاني قدم محمد علي من شركة زين عدة ورشات عمل تهدف الى تعريف المشاركين في كيفية كتابة السيرة الذاتية بطريقة تميزهم عن بقية السير الذاتية. كذلك إرشادهم حول كيفية تعريفهم لأنفسهم في أي مقابلة عمل في المستقبل. و من أهل ورش العمل التي لاقت إستحسان المشاركين تلك التي إرتكزت على إكتشاف المشاركين لقدراتهم الداخلية و كيفية تمثيلها للمجتمع بأحسن طريقة.
و يعتبر برنامج ليب أحد انجح البرامج الذي تقدمه آيزك البحرين في الفترة الحالية و هوعبارة عن عن برنامج يتكون من مرحلتين ، يبتدأ بالتدريب مهني لفترة من الزمن في الخارج تتراوح ما بين 6-8 أسابيع و ينتهي بمؤتمر التطوير الوظيفي الذي يهدف الى صقل و تعلم كيفية إستغلال المهارات التي تم إكتسابها خلال التدريب في الخارج. تتنوع التدريبات التي يخضع لها المشترك فمنها العمل في مجال العمل التنموي للمجتمعات في الخارج، من خلال الإشراف على مشاريع تمكين بعض المجتمعات الفقيرة، مشاريع التعارف الحضاري بين دول العالم، مشاريع قيادية ومشاريع تعنى بموضوع الاستدامة وغيرها. كذلك هنالك الفرصة للعمل في مجالات تخصصية كتنقية المعلومات التسويق و غيرها .

شارك في البرنامج الذي انطلق في فبراير الماضي اكثر من 40 طالب و خريج قضوا اكثر من 6 أسابيع في دول كتركيا ، سرلنكا ، تايوان ، إندونيسيا ، الهند و إيطاليا.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Youth Leadership Project

*The following post is thanks to Heena Parkar from the Daily Tribune, issued in DT on April 16th.

(From left to right) The project's team with Sabeeka Al Shamlan, AIESEC's Director of Business Development (far right)
An international perspective of entrepreneur and leadership will be imparted to university students through a program organized by AIESEC Bahrain.

“The Youth Leadership Project will provide a chance to students to develop skills required for the global market,” said Director of business Development of AIESEC Sabeeka Al Shamlan.
A total of four universities will be participating in the program which will consist of a week -long sessions arranged by the organization in cooperation with Bahrain Development Bank(BDB).
“Royal University of Women and Bahrain polytechnic, are the two colleges participating, as of now. But we are trying to for two more colleges,” said Ms.Shamlan.

The project will be launched from the first of May and will take place every week for four weeks.
“The number of students from each university will range from a minimum of 17 to a maximum of 75,” added Ms.Shamlan.

The sessions will be stretched for four days in a week, for every university and will have two international facilitators speaking on the topic.
“The first session is basically understanding of oneself, like what limitations a student faces, after which team building will be the next topic, which is followed by linking leadership to Enterpreneurship,” added Ms.Shamlan.
The fourth day will include employees from BDB conducting sessions on their success stories and challenges they faced in their field.

 “We have done this to create a platform for Bahraini youth to help them to discover the leader within them so they can create opportunities for themselves,” said Ms.Shamlan.
The program also aims to conduct activities keeping in mind the requirements of Bahrain vision 2030. 

White Stick Project at the Blossom Bazaar

Chief guests with Mr Waleed, fourth from left, and the Team of White Stick Project.

AIESEC in Bahrain's Skheer Local Chapter has stepped out in public for the first time in joint hands with The White Stick Project- a unique initiative to support and develop the visually impaired in Bahrain. It made its first public appearance at the Blossom Event which was held at Amwaj Lagoon on 5th and 6th April.

 In line with the project’s prime vision, which aims to bridge the interactive gap between the sighted and the visually impaired, the team had invited Mr Waleed Ahmed, Vice President at the Friendship Society for Blind to join them for the 2 day event. Moreover, Miss Hana who is the Head of Cultural Committee also attended the first day and taught the visitors the usage of the Braille typewriter and showcased the software that the visually impaired utilize to operate PC’s.
The visitors were also exposed to a variety of educational equipment for the blind including the Braille typewriter, electronic magnifier, books printed in Braille as well as a chance to try and navigate blindfolded using the white stick, which turned out to be the centre of attention. Mr Waleed demonstrated the usage of the white stick as he suffers from low vision himself. A number of enthusiastic people of all age groups registered as volunteers to assist the project in the future events.  In addition, donations were also collected.

The project aims to collaborate with Saudi Bahraini Institute for Blind and Friendship Society for Blind. With 4 focus areas; IT support, interactive activities, education and public relations, it will be hosting 2 international community development experts for assistance. To register as volunteers, email at For upcoming updates join and follow & @TheWSproject. For more info, contact Zahra Abdullah 33674621.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

An AIESEC delegation consisting of 34 members from the Kingdom of Bahrain will showcase the culture and traditions of Bahrain in Morocco to a gathering of over 300 youth from over 15 countries.

The group from Bahrain includes University students who will participate in a week long Middle East & North Africa Exchange and Leadership Development Seminar, from March 11-17, 2012. It is one of
the biggest conferences of 2012 in Morocco.

The forum is the sixth edition of the seminar and provides an opportunity to young leaders from around the world to gather and interact in a multicultural atmosphere, in one place. They will also get to network directly with global business leaders including from Morocco too.

Participants will discuss issues of interest, bridge the gap between cultures through interaction. The seminar will additionally equip them with the tools to develop their leadership skills.